The treatment of the body with oil, which tends to facilitate the flow of lymph, will relieve muscle tension and stiffness. From your Bihada body treatment you can expect to feel deeply refreshed with a sensation of lightness throughout your whole body. The massage oil used is 100% natural, can also be used on the face and is safe for those with sensitive skin. Some symptoms which are relieved by body treatment: - Fatigue - Feeling cold due to poor circulation - ‘’End of day’’ swollen legs - Constipation - Can help to improve effects of slimming diets



Scalp care is essential for a bright, healthy complexion, as stiffness of the scalp can also cause sagging of the face.  The special head massage cream does not require rinsing and will nourish your hair at the same time that it bathes you in a soothing aroma. Some symptoms relieved by head massage: - Sagging facial skin - Poor complexion - Eye strain - Promotes a good night’s sleep



The all hand facial massage loosens your facial muscles, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. This brings luster and firmness to the skin, with increased clarity. The correct cosmetics for your skin type revive youth and beauty.  The application of a mask together with the effects of the massage helps to infiltrate the cosmetic ingredients. The skin feels smooth and moist. Repeated treatments provide the most beneficial effects. Some symptoms relieved by facial massage: - Sagging - Wrinkles - Dryness - Age spots



The neck and shoulders is called the décolleté, or ‘’second face’’.   Accumulated tension and stiffness in this area can slow blood circulation to the face and the result is a dull complexion.  Bihada décolleté massage increases the circulation to the whole head, and this in turn relaxes facial muscle tension.  The cosmetics applied during this phase penetrate deeply for maximum effect.

BIHADA   Japanese Wellness and Skin Care   l   Kaoru Hisatomi   l   Röschibachstrasse 71   l   8037 Zürich   l   Phone: +41 (0)76 536 59 05  l  hisatomi@bihada.ch